Marg in a can
Marg in a can

marg in a can marg in a can

Marg Mart is equipped with an online database of Marg Users comprising 1.25 Lakh+ Distributors and 9 Lakh+ Retailers & continuously increasing. The customer can search the medicine or other essential products online, locate the dealers & contact them. In Marg there is advance provision available regarding Temporary Limits in which management can give authority to the party for bill generation in the case of emergency. In general terms, Marg Mart is the answer to all the queries during an emergency. In Marg you can set limits in three ways- Maximum Amount, Maximum Bills, and Maximum Days. Realising the moral responsibility of helping mankind, young MarGuns exuded a way to reduce the negative impact of the pandemic by an innovative thought of making essentials available online. News of scarcity of medicines, unavailability of drugs, rising death tolls has been adding to the anxiety of the common man every day. The world in recent times has witnessed the devastating impact of the undeveloped healthcare system in India. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be challenging for the entire world. Marg Mart is a live-saver in the era of COVID-19. Our online database allows the customers to search a variety of medications with their retailers & suppliers' details based on location. Specially crafted by experts with experience of 21 years, it aims to narrow the search of customers for finding essentials to specific, targeted, relevant information in their local vicinity. Marg Mart has been designed by Marg ERP Ltd to help people find life-saving Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, and other essential products in their vicinity.

Marg in a can